Tuesday, July 3, 2012

declaration of co-dependence

Evidently, the Declaration of Independence enshrines some, but not all of life’s self-evident truths. For example, It is evident to me that humans, not hens, who will record the history of people and poultry, though you will find no reference to this in that venerable document.

The history of Millie, the bantam hen, is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny.  Never have I challenged her for light or transient causes, nor have I attempted to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over her, yet I have been subjected to a long train of repeated abuses and injuries (!),
impairing my pursuit of happiness :-( .

To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

She has for a long time, opposed with manly firmness the peaceful collection of eggs, a task formidable to tyrants only :-( .

She has combined with others to raise chicks foreign to my affection :-( .

She has, in times of peace, emitted a loud cry of alarm when I enter the coop :-( .

I have warned her from time to time.  I have reminded her of her circumstances.

I have appealed to my wife, who is deaf to the voice of justice :-( .

It is said that history is written by the victors, but speaking for myself, this is not a truth, evidently.

Coo, coo, ca choo   : -)

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